Hate Crimes:

The prosecution and interpretation of hate crime laws have evolved in response to changing social dynamics and high-profile incidents: Bostock v. Clayton County (2020): While primarily an employment discrimination case, this landmark decision interpreting Title VII to...

Conclusions and Citations

The landscape of criminal law has undergone significant shifts in the past four years, shaped by landmark decisions across various domains. From Fourth Amendment protections in the digital age to the refinement of Sixth Amendment rights, from evolving sentencing...

Sixth Amendment Cases:

The Sixth Amendment guarantees several crucial rights in criminal prosecutions, including the right to a speedy and public trial, an impartial jury, and effective assistance of counsel. Recent cases have further refined these protections. Ramos v. Louisiana (2020):...

Legal Representation Criminal and Injury Lawyer in Michigan

Are you in need of legal representation for a criminal or injury case in Michigan? Look no further than Shawn Patrick Smith, Michigan’s premier criminal and injury attorney. With years of experience and a proven track record of success, Attorney Smith has the...

Omar Sheik

Incredible investigative resource. Razor sharp wit, this genius finds flaws in defense and leaves them with nothing. Shawn Leaves no stone upturned and hiring him will result in a win. “I’ve realized something intrinsic about Shawn; if the prosecution has a good case,...

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